Fishing Reels – Sport Fishing Mag Sport Fishing is the leading saltwater fishing site for boat reviews, fishing gear, saltwater fishing tips, photos, videos, and so much more. Tue, 17 Dec 2024 21:22:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fishing Reels – Sport Fishing Mag 32 32 How to Choose Jigging Fishing Tackle Fri, 01 Nov 2024 19:19:44 +0000 Advice from experts helps jigging enthusiasts choose the optimal gear.

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Large wreckfish caught in New Zealand
Jigging can be a ­spectacularly ­effective technique. The right tackle helps produce strikes from and land trophies like this enormous wreckfish, taken off New Zealand. Chris Wong

When Should I Fish a Jig?

In the yin and yang of tackle design, the development of specialized gear can be circular. Thus, with jigging gaining in worldwide interest and popularity, tackle manufacturers make better and better jigging gear. At the same time, with manufacturers making better and better gear, jigging seems to make commensurate gains in popularity. As a sport, jigging is a niche within the niche of saltwater fishing, and it has generated a range of reels and rods made especially for fishing jigs.

Jigging is now extremely popular for almost all offshore fishisng, except billfish. Bottom species such as groupers, rockfish and snappers eat jigs. The mid column and surface species such as jacks, yellowtail, mackerel, wahoo and mahi slurp a jig. Even the mighty tuna, with its species variety, attack a jig.

But all jigging tackle is not created equal: There’s gear made for speed jigging and for slow-pitch jigging. The difference, in brief, is critical because each method requires different gear. Speed jigging means relying on longer, thinner “knife” jigs that are worked upward with a rapid, rhythmic cadence. Slow-pitch jigging involves considerably more finesse; these jigs are moved with a quick upward lift, then allowed to drop a short distance as they take up the slack line created by the lift.

What Reel is Good for Jigging?

Tuna caught using Maxel Rage reel
Lightweight jigging tackle can overpower strong fish, such as this popular Pacific target, the kingfish. Chris Wong

Types of Reels

First up in determining what reels will work best for your fishing: the type—spin or conventional. The majority opinion among experts suggests that for speed jigging, either spin or conventional can be fine. But for slow-pitching, think conventional.

“Slow pitch is all about finesse and sensitivity,” says Paul Chua, a jigging expert at Saltywater Tackle. It’s also about “understanding the underwater conditions, jig action, and currents through your line and rod to the angler. Conventional reels don’t have the gyro movement of a spinning reel and can better transfer all the movements of a jig to the angler.”

For speed jigging, Chris Wong, of Jig Star USA rods, also favors conventionals. The conventional reels not only handle heavier jigs better, but they also deal with the “brutality of mechanical [speed] jigging,” including dealing with big, tough fish such as yellowtail and tuna. “With spinning gear,” he says, “I found myself struggling to even turn the handle” after hooking such species. “Spinners struggle in this area, whereas conventional reels excel.”

Slow-pitch enthusiasts require lighter lines, often in the 20- to 40-pound range. Some slow-pitchers will go considerably lighter, seeking the thinnest braids they can find, to get jigs very deep—more than 2,000 feet for some Japanese experts, Wong says.

Jigging Reel Weight and Power

Jigging requires endlessly lifting reel and rod repetitively; lighter reels are a huge plus. The trend toward smaller reels for jigging has produced some remarkably compact conventional reels capable of holding plenty of surprisingly heavy line (it’s far more difficult to radically downsize spinners without losing key performance parameters).

“Once you’re over 20 ounces a reel, it gets to be a bit much,” says Benny Ortiz, a Shimano pro staffer. “Over 25 ounces, and it is too much.” He cites a time not so long ago when jig anglers had to rely on reels weighing 30 to 40 ounces (which in case your math isn’t so good, means a couple of pounds or more). Now, he says, he can jig 800 feet of water with a tiny lever drag weighing about 15 ounces. But Ortiz does caution against “sacrificing strength for light weight,” which in part is where the quality of the reel comes into play.

Spinning and conventional reels for fishing with jigs
Jigging enthusiasts fish both spinning and ­conventional reels. Among conventionals favored by serious jiggers, the Accurate Valiant series (left) and Studio Ocean Mark reels (right) are popular. Jon Whittle / Sport Fishing

Fishing Reel Gear Ratio

Here again, the nod goes to conventionals because many offer an option for two speeds. The high speed (typically at least 6-to-1) helps speed jiggers move the lure quickly, and also works well for slow-pitchers, Chua says. The low gear, of course, offers power when winching a fish away from bottom.

Fishing Reel Line Capacity

Keep in mind line capacity as well. If you intend to use a rig for dropping into really deep water, you’ll want to go conventional because many hold far more line for their size than spinners.

Fishing Drag

Clearly how much available drag a jig angler needs has much to do with his quarry. For smaller fish, most good reels of any type are likely to suffice. But for bigger game, 25 to 50 or more pounds of maximum drag will help win battles. Chua says drag is particularly important with slow-pitch jigging because when hooked up, the reel tends to do most of the work. (In speed jigging, the angler relies heavily on the rod to tire the fish.)

The Price of Quality Fishing Reels

Performance differences between the two types of reels aside, cost can be a factor, Wong says: “It’s a fact that a premium spinning reel will cost more than a premium twin-drag conventional.” You want a jigging reel to be machined with tight tolerances: “no back play or handle slop,” as Ortiz puts it. He also says he prefers a taller, narrow-spool reel because it gives you a more consistent rate of retrieve. In wide-spool reels, the smaller line-on-spool diameter you’re left with when fishing deep means fewer inches per crank. Star-drag conventional reels are fine, but experts tend to prefer lever drags.

What is a Jigging Rod?

Rod bent over while fishing
Bounce-back capability is useful and less fatiguing both in working jigs and fighting fish. Sami Ghandour

Jigging rods are designed for one purpose, Ortiz says: “to impart an action on a jig.” Not many rods truly do this effectively, he adds. A quality rod for jigging should, in Ortiz’s opinion, “have the ability to properly work a jig at various depths. The hallmark of a good jigging rod is an ability to effortlessly move a jig in deep water.”

Before picking out a jigging rod, Chua advises, “know where you’ll be fishing, with what types of jigs and weights, what line class, and in what depth and currents.” Also, “beware of manufacturers who rebrand inshore blanks with a reconfigured grip and guide layout, and then call them slow-pitch rods,” Ortiz advises. Serious, purpose-built jigging rods should show a rating both for braided line and jig weight. Some key parameters experts consider in rods for jigging include:

Rod Action

Wong recommends rods with softer parabolic actions for most jigging. That allows the rod to load up on the upstroke and release on the downstroke. “It’s this loading and unloading recoil the angler feels; this will assist in developing the rhythm that’s so essential,” especially for speed jigging. Stiffer rods can still function this way if an angler uses larger, heavier jigs. Chua agrees that a parabolic (“slow”) action is best; its bounce-back capability is useful and less fatiguing both in working jigs and fighting fish.

The Length of a Fishing Rod

Speed-jigging and slow-pitch fishing rods
Speed-jigging rods are more robust than slow-pitch rods, like these from Temple Reef (Levitate series), on left, and Okuma (Hawaiian Custom), on right, both feather light to maximize sensitivity. Jon Whittle / Sport Fishing

For deeper jigging, Chua’s speed-jig rods range from just over 5 feet to 5 feet, 7 inches. He says in shallower water, where water resistance is much less, he likes a rod from 5 feet, 7 inches to 6 feet, 3 inches. Most slow-pitch rods run 6 to 6½ feet.

For speed jigging, Wong prefers short rods — 5 feet or a bit more. But for anglers using a less aggressive style than his, somewhat longer rods might be preferred, particularly with spinning reels. Song generally fishes 5- to 6-foot rods, noting that he prefers a moderately fast action in slow-pitch rods, with a “soft and delicate tip” but plenty of backbone.

A Lightweight Fishing Rod

In jigging, where anglers are lifting repeatedly for long hours, weight—as with reels—is key. Good jigging rods are generally light. Recent advancement in rod design and materials allows for feather-light jigging sticks that are remarkably strong. Chua cites jig rods weighing about 10 ounces that can handle 300-pound tuna—“no kidding!” He says nano carbon fiber and graphene are probably the most advanced materials available for jigging rods.

Many of these rods are available only overseas and at steep prices. It’s worth noting that most tackle manufacturers in the United States are now offering excellent jigging rods, including those specifically for slow-pitch enthusiasts. Examples include Accurate’s line of Valiant rods, Okuma’s Metaloid slow-jigging rod, and Shimano’s Grappler Slow J1 and Trevala S jigging and casting rods.

Picking Jigs for Fishing

Storm Gomoku jig
Some experts feel that a single assist hook, as on Storm’s Gomoku jig, offers plenty of hooking power. Jason Arnold /

Best Metal Jig Styles

For speed jigging in deep water, Wong recommends streamlined, tail-weighted jigs. “These get down fast and are less likely to be pushed around in the current.” But, he points out, these also have less action on the retrieve, so the jigger has to work them hard and fast to make them swim. Chua’s also all about bottom-weighted, or tail-weighted, jigs for speed jigging. These drop in a sharp darting, wobbling, sliding action.

Long knife jigs with a wider profile are Chua’s pick for tuna in particular; for grouper and amberjack, he’ll fish those long tail-weighted jigs. On the other hand, Song prefers short, center-balanced jigs for tuna.

Center-weighted jigs that are long, wide and flat are Wong’s choice for water that’s shallow or moderately deep. “These have a lot more action on the lift and drop. Their flutter also offers more hang time, which is especially valuable where shallower depth means less area to cover in the water column.”

Jig rigged with hooks
Some anglers such as Benny Ortiz add hooks, rigging with split and solid rings. Kevin Hand

For slow-pitch jigging, Wong likes the “original, wide-body keel jig, the jig that made slow-pitch so popular. It’s easy to fish and responds to all nuances of rod movement.” He also likes “short, cigar-shaped jigs,” particularly in deeper water. “When worked, these exhibit a rolling, tumbling action, different from conventional tail-weighted jigs. Chua prefers slow-pitch jigs that are flat on one side and rounded on the other.

Ortiz points out that “it’s a common misconception that slow-pitch jigs have to be short, fat and flutter a lot.” In fact some longer, narrow jigs work well for slow-pitching, and their shape gives them a very quick fall into deep water. “The trick,” Ortiz says, “is knowing how every jig in your bag will fall.”

An assortment of jigs
A variety of shapes, sizes and colors means you can always match the right jig to the conditions. Jon Whittle / Sport Fishing

Opinions vary on colors, but Chua mentions a preference for glow jigs that luminesce, particularly for deeper waters. As for size, many experts use jigs no heavier than necessary to reach bottom or any level they desire in given conditions. Chua also points out that, particularly with slow-pitch fishing, it’s paramount to match jigs, per their weight, to a rod’s action.

About the Fishing Experts Mentioned in this Article

Paul Chua: Born and raised in Singapore, Chua began joining fishing adventures to Malaysia when he was 11. Since then, he’s fished the world, and been in the jigging and popping tackle business since 2007. Chua currently lives in the Northeast and is one of the jigging experts, along with Sami Ghandour, at Saltywater Tackle in Sayreville, New Jersey.

Benny Ortiz: Florida-based Ortiz (@mrbennyortiz) is a jigging master, whose expertise and success in slow-pitch has made him a featured speaker at various seminars as well as the subject of coverage in many regional and national magazines. He’s a member of several pro teams, including Shimano.

Kil Song: Song has been described as a “jigging master.” Since 1980, the New Jersey resident has averaged more than one in three days on the water, many in some of the most productive jigging grounds around the world. Song operates the popular online specialty shop:

Chris Wong: An angling enthusiast who also runs a fishing-tackle import/distribution company in his native New Zealand, Wong’s regular trips to Japanese tackle exhibitions have given him an appreciation for the development of speed (“mechanical”) and slow-pitch jigging. Since 2007, he’s been producing his own brand of jigging rods—Jig Star—with frequent trips to New Zealand’s Three Kings Islands and Ranfurly Bank, which are among the world’s toughest testing grounds.

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The Best Lightweight Spinning Reels Thu, 15 Aug 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Flyweight fighters: The next generation of spinning reels.

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Quantum spinning reel and speckled trout
Quantum introduced two new saltwater spinning reels in 2024, perfect for inshore gamefish such as speckled seatrout. Sam Hudson

Anyone who has spent hours and hours casting a spinning rod appreciates lower weight and a compact size. But when a big fish turns up the heat, a spinning reel has to muster the power to respond. Fortunately, the next generation of ultralight spinning reels feature design and technology to prevent corrosion and damage with beefed-up components and silky smooth drag for years of reliable performance.

PENN Clash II Chris Malbon / Debut Art


In addition to a carbon fiber drag, CNC-cut gears, the water-resistant Clash II has a super-slow oscillating rotor with ball bearing line roller that lays line on the spool so it leaves the reel faster for longer casts with a light lure.

Okuma Inspira ISX
Okuma Inspira ISX Chris Malbon / Debut Art

Okuma Inspira ISX

Inside the Inspira’s all-metal body, the small reel packs oversized gears, protected pinion and clutch and stainless-steel bearings. With sizes down to 2000 and priced around a hundred bucks, the Inspira ISX also packs a great value.

Shimano Saragosa SW A
Shimano Saragosa SW A Chris Malbon / Debut Art

Shimano Saragosa SW A

Features like a water-resistant body, carbon drag and shielded stainless steel bearings make the Saragosa SW A virtually bulletproof. On the inside, the pinion gear is supported on both ends with low-friction bushing and a large cold-forged main gear provides cranking strength usually found on more expensive reels.

Daiwa BG MQ 2500-H
Daiwa BG MQ 2500-H Chris Malbon / Debut Art

Daiwa BG MQ 2500-H

In addition to a long list of saltwater-ready features, Daiwa’s BG MQ most unique technology is the super low-friction grease on the drag washers. When a fish takes off, the drag engages smoothly and quickly applies even and steady pressure to the line.

13 Fishing Axum
13 Fishing Axum Chris Malbon / Debut Art

13 Fishing Axum

A sealed rotor, corrosion proof ball bearings and ceramic line roller eliminate common failure points on the new 13 Fishing Axum. The soft and grippy cork reel knob is comfortable for long days finesse fishing.

Quantum Strive
Quantum Strive Chris Malbon / Debut Art

Quantum Strive

Quantum is back in a big way with the introduction of the Strive. This lightweight marvel features 11 seals to be waterproof to IP standards and beyond, with a smooth carbon fiber drag system housed in a sturdy aluminum frame for bantamweight rigidity.

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The Best Rods and Reels for the Backcountry Wed, 17 Jul 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Learn more about three setups that are built for backcountry fishing.

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Fenwick Elite XH, Penn Authority 5500
Fenwick Elite XH, Penn Authority 5500 Jon Whittle

Tarpon: Fenwick Elite XH, Penn Authority 5500

“The Fenwick Elite 8-foot XH rod matched with the Penn Authority 5500 reel is an awesome tarpon setup. It’s an all-around workhorse that is perfect for throwing your favorite artificials or tossing a live crab. The Elite has some nice features such as lightweight titanium guides with super-hard inserts, a reel seat with double-lock ring system, and a rubber gimbal mount rod butt that works great whether you choose to use a fighting belt or not. I like to match the Authority 5500 with 50-pound SpiderWire UltraCast braid for most of my tarpon fishing applications.” — Capt. Danny Latham, Reel Fishing Charters, Boca Grande, Florida

G.Loomis NRX+ Inshore Casting, Shimano Metanium MGL 150
G.Loomis NRX+ Inshore Casting, Shimano Metanium MGL 150 Jon Whittle

Redfish: G. Loomis NRX+ Inshore Casting, Shimano Metanium MGL 150

“Big reds can really put some stress on your gear, but the Shimano Metanium MGL 150 baitcaster has the pure power needed to maneuver fish out of heavy cover. Pair it with the G. Loomis NRX+ Inshore casting rod for precision accuracy when backwater fishing with swimbaits, jigs, and topwaters. The rod has the perfect load to make pinpoint casts all day long. Triggering inshore fish can come down to speed, and the Metanium MGL can move a variety of baits very fast. Plus, it’s very easy to adjust on the fly. This setup can handle just about any presentation or inshore species I encounter daily.” — Capt. Jason Catchings, Shimano Pro Staffer

Daiwa SOL AGS Inshore, Daiwa Certate
Daiwa SOL AGS Inshore, Daiwa Certate Jon Whittle

Snook: Daiwa SOL AGS Inshore, Daiwa Certate

“Yeah, it’s remarkably lightweight. That’s the first thing you notice when picking up Daiwa’s SOL AGS Inshore rod. Utilizing HVF graphite blank material, Braiding X carbon weave tech, and AGS guides, Daiwa went all in on quality components and weight reduction. Now, when fishing backwaters for snook or seatrout, sensitivity and fatigue won’t be a problem. Pair the 7-foot rod with Daiwa’s Certate SW spinner. The Certate has a single-piece body and G1 Duralumin drive gear, both stolen from the 20 Saltiga. Together, the setup will break the will of anything you’ll likely encounter in the marsh.” — Sam Hudson

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Spring Gear Guide for Women Anglers Fri, 08 Mar 2024 00:39:00 +0000 Deck yourself out for the season or put these items on your Mother’s Day wish list.

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If you live in Florida or other locations below the snow belt, chances are you fish nearly year-round. Lucky you. For everyone else, spring is a rite of piscatorial passage. And it’s also a time to invest in new gear for the season.

We’ve rounded up a collection of current and new tackle, apparel and other gear for women anglers who anticipate new adventures as the weather warms.

Quicklook: Best Spring Gear for Women Anglers

Grundens Pisces Bibs
Grundens Pisces Bibs Courtesy Grundens

Grundens Pisces Bibs

Is this a great invention or what? Finally a set of breathable, durable bibs that give women an easy outlet, so to speak, for relieving themselves on the water. The suspenders stay put while the lower bib unzips and swings away. The nylon shell fabric features 10K waterproof performance. Grundens also included a zippered chest storage pocket, corrosion-resistant YKK zippers and hardware, and hook-and-loop adjustable lower cuffs. Available in sizes XS through 2XL, the bibs cost $169.99.

Shimano Speedmaster II
Shimano Speedmaster II Courtesy Shimano

Shimano Speedmaster II

The Speedmaster II lineup just added two new sizes — 8 and 10 — providing reliable options for nearshore and bottom-fishing. The lever-drag reels offer a 6.2-to-1 gear ratio and can retrieve 38 inches of line per crank. Their rigid Hagane bodies prevent misalignment of moving parts under the heaviest loads. The LD 8II holds 200 yards of 20-pound mono or 440 yards of 40-pound braid. The LD 10II holds 215 yards of 25-pound mono or 440 yards of 50-pound braid. The reels can deliver 18 pounds of max drag and cost $229.99 to $239.99. Shop now

Columbia Cool Release Airgill Shirt, Cast and Release Stretch Pant
Columbia Cool Release Airgill Shirt, Cast and Release Stretch Pant Courtesy Columbia

Columbia Cool Release Airgill Shirt, Cast and Release Stretch Pant

Offering Omni-Freeze Zero sweat-activated cooling, UPF 50 sun protection and water-and-stain repellency, this long-sleeve tech shirt is 100 percent polyester. Airgill comes with vents, zippered hand pockets, a sunglass cleaning patch and rollup sleeves with snap holders. It comes in pink pop or Gulf Stream (pictured) in sizes XS through 2XL and costs $90. The Cast and Release pants are 95 percent nylon and 5 percent elastane and deliver UPF 50 sun protection as well as advanced stain repellency. The pants come with a reinforced pliers pocket, utility loop, drop-in phone pocket and a 27-inch inseam. Available in cool grey (pictured) or black and in sizes 2 through 16, they cost $80.

Costa Aleta, Mayfly Sunglasses
Costa Aleta, Mayfly Sunglasses Courtesy Costa

Costa Aleta, Mayfly Sunglasses

Costa says that while both of these women’s frames are performance/lifestyle hybrids, the Mayfly (bottom) was intentionally designed for technical use on the water, with input from female pro staffers. The frames feature fully adjustable and vented nose pads, top and side shielding, sweat channels and eye drains, and they start at $193. Aleta sunglasses employ lightweight bio-resin and double-injected Hyrdolite for a better grip. Micro shields and hooding keep excess light out. The Aleta starts at $182.

Academy H2OX
Academy H2OX Courtesy Academy

Academy H2OX

How about a new fishing brand from Academy Sports + Outdoors? The new H2OX line has evolved from the H2O Express brand and includes rods, reels, combos, hard baits, soft plastics, tackle storage, terminal tackle and line, pliers, knives, nets and even more. The gear is designed to hit all angler-experience levels beginning with the Premier Series for entry-level anglers to the Ethos Series, which mixes elevated features and value, and the Evo Series, designed with elite-angler input for premium technology and innovation.

Salt Life Tectonic Lightweight Performance Hoodie, Transcend Fishing Shorts
Salt Life Tectonic Lightweight Performance Hoodie, Transcend Fishing Shorts Courtesy Salt Life

Salt Life Tectonic Lightweight Performance Hoodie, Transcend Fishing Shorts

Made with perforated mesh, flatlock seams and thumbholes, Salt Life’s Tectonic hoodie delivers UV 30 sun protection while wicking away moisture. The lightweight shirt is made from polyester and Spandex, comes in sizes S through XL and in light Aruba, coastal blue (pictured) or grey; it costs $54. Transcend shorts feature four-way stretch fabric, a 4-inch inseam, front slant pockets, mesh pocket bags and an inner waistband, and notched leg slits. Available in sizes 0 through 14, the shorts come in washed navy (pictured) or charcoal and cost $48.

Ugly Stik Carbon Inshore Rods
Ugly Stik Carbon Inshore Rods Courtesy Ugly Stik

Ugly Stik Carbon Inshore Rods

These new spinning and casting rods are built on 24-ton graphite blanks with graphite tips for lightweight balance, crisp action and increased sensitivity. Ugly Tuff stainless-steel guides eliminate insert pop outs. The nine-rod series also features either cork or shrink-tube foregrips and shrink-tube rear grips. The seafoam ocean-blue rods come with medium-light, medium or medium-heavy power ratings with fast or extra-fast actions in a variety of lengths. They cost $99.95.

Simms BugStopper Leggings, BiComp Hoody
Simms BugStopper Leggings, BiComp Hoody Courtesy Simms

Simms BugStopper Leggings, SolarFlex Hoodie

Simms BugStopper Leggings are made from a polyester-spandex, insect-repellent knit blend with a high-waisted fit and wide waistband. Insect Shield protects from mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers and other biting bugs. Available in sizes XS through 2XL, the leggings ($109.95) feature a 28-inch inseam and a thigh pocket and come in sapphire daze (pictured), black, or woodland camo storm. The hoodie ($94.95) comes in bay leaf and bluegrass heather, in sizes XS through 2XL.

Fin-Nor Cleat, Tillies Bank Sunglasses
Fin-Nor Cleat, Tillies Bank Sunglasses Courtesy Fin-Nor

Fin-Nor Cleat, Tillies Bank Sunglasses

Depending upon the style of frames you prefer and the size of your face, two of Fin-Nor’s recent sunglass offerings might fit your needs. The Cleat (top left) is described as a male-oriented 8-base frame, but this wide-arm style blocks light and helps reduce glare on the water. Cleat also comes with a venting system, spring hinges, and an adjustable nose pad—to comfortably fit a variety of face shapes. Frame colors include matte blue wave and matte black; various colors of glass and polycarbonate lenses are available. Cleats cost $189. Tillies Bank’s 6-base frame is female-targeted. It comes with spring hinges and is available in flats pool tort, matte deep shallow blue, and honey ripple fade with a range of lenses. Tillies Banks cost $179.

G. Loomis NRX Inshore 883S MR
G. Loomis NRX Inshore 883S MR Courtesy G. Loomis

G. Loomis NRX Inshore 883S MR

G. Loomis designed this 7-foot-4-inch inshore spinning rod with an increased rate of tip recovery for maximum casting range and accuracy. Super light, sensitive and strong, this rod features the nano-silica resin system that allows Loomis to use less material without losing strength. The company also uses titanium-framed SIC K-frame stripper guides to keep braided line from tangling on the frames at the stiffest point of the rod. After the first three K-frame guides, Loomis added nickel-titanium RECOIL guides to reduce weight and increase that tip recovery rate. The 883S MR has a split-grip handle, medium-heavy power, and fast action, and is rated for 15- to 40-pound braid. It costs $626.

AFTCO Air-O-Mesh Sun Hoodie
AFTCO Air-O-Mesh Sun Hoodie Courtesy AFTCO

AFTCO Air-O-Mesh Sun Hoodie

The Air-O-Mesh fabric is highly breathable and made from polyester and spandex. It offers UPF 50 sun protection and is quick drying and stain resistant. The long-sleeve shirt comes in sizes XS through XL and in two colors: eventide heather (pictured) and moonlight jade heather. It costs $55.

Marsh Wear Prime Shorts
Marsh Wear Prime Shorts Courtesy Marsh Wear

Marsh Wear Prime Shorts

AFTCO partner Marsh Wear offers the redesigned Prime Shorts, now with a thinner waistband. The high-rise style shorts have a 4-inch inseam and are made from stretch fabric that provides UPF 40 sun protection. Other features include front slant pockets and a back zippered pocket. The shorts come in sizes XS through XL and in two colors: antler (pictured) and smoke. They cost $55.

Bajio Ozello, Eldora Sunglasses
Bajio Ozello, Eldora Sunglasses Courtesy Bajio

Bajio Ozello, Eldora Sunglasses

For spring, Bajio offers these two new women’s frames — Ozello (top left) and Eldora. Ozello is a small-fit frame that’s part of the classic-fishing Wide Body family while Eldora is part of the Tight Lines collection, also sized small but built to transition from boat to bar. Ozello features a non-slip nose pad and rubber temple tips and is made from a plant-based material. Eldora features vented rubber side shields, ergo rubber nose pads and temples, and flex hinges. Both frames are available in three colors with seven lens-color options. Ozellos and Eldoras with polycarbonate lenses cost $209 each; glass costs $259.

Penn Authority Reel
Penn Authority Reel Courtesy Penn

Penn Authority Reel

“Authority” aptly describes Penn’s line of high-performance saltwater spinning reels that debuted last summer. The Authority line comes in sizes ranging from 2500 to 10500 and features an IPX8 waterproof-rated sealed body and spool, CNC Gear technology with a stainless-steel gear train and pinion gear, and the Leveline slow oscillation system. The 12+1 bearing system delivers a smooth retrieve, and the Dura-Drag generates maximum drag pressure. The reels cost $499.95 to $599.95. Shop now

Read Next: Women in Fishing

Huk Waypoint Flow Tank, Next Level Short
Huk Waypoint Flow Tank, Next Level Short Courtesy Huk

Huk Waypoint Flow Tank, Next Level Short

The Waypoint Flow tank top is made with recycled polyester, rayon and Spandex. The fabric also offers 50+ UPF sun protection. It comes in sizes XS through XL and in crystal blue, Wedgewood, winsome orchid and coral reef (pictured); it costs $60. The top-selling men’s Next Level Short has been redesigned for women. Features include an adjustable waistband, side and back pockets and a 5-inch inseam. The material is cotton, polyester and Spandex. Available in XS through 2XL, and in night owl, new khaki and Sargasso Sea (pictured), the shorts cost $65.

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2023 Holiday Gift Guide for Anglers and Boaters Mon, 04 Dec 2023 19:27:36 +0000 Wondering what to buy for your favorite angler this holiday? Sport Fishing has you covered.

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Santa fishing in the ocean
If Santa Claus has time to go fishing, so do you! Adobe Stock

Someone hands you a gift. You shake the box. Turn it over and inspect the shape. Balance the package on one hand to judge its weight. Then, you pluck off the bow, break the ribbon and rip through the wrapping paper. If one of the on-the-water gifts on our holiday gift guide is in the box, you have been a good boy or girl this year. (The products are listed in alphabetical order.)

Bajio’s Shop for the Shallows Campaign

Bajio Shop the Shallows Campaign
Bajio’s Shop For The Shallows cups. Bajio

During the holidays, everyone is looking for a little something different. Bajio sunglasses offers a great deal for customers and our coastal waters when buying a pair of sunglasses. When you purchase a pair of Bajio’s high-definition polarized sunglasses, Bajio gives you a cool gift and makes a donation to an environmental cause of your choice. You can choose to support oyster reefs, mangrove restoration or ocean plastic mitigation. Along with your new sunglasses, Bajio sends you a trendy camp cup with an illustration representing your preferred cause. 

Berkley Highjacker Saltwater Lure

Berkley HighJacker Saltwater
Berkley HighJacker Saltwater Berkley

Every tackle box needs a selection of walk-the-dog style topwater lures to imitate a baitfish zig-zagging across the water. Berkley’s new HighJacker Saltwater takes the place of all other surface walkers. The unique hydrodynamic shape is perfect for imitating smaller baits. Flat sides make the lure easy to walk at any speed. A walk-the-dog topwater is a great search bait. To increase casting distance and cover more water, the HighJacker uses an aerodynamic shape and tail weights. Predators attack a topwater lure with reckless abandon, the HighJacker’s 3X strong, anti-rust and slick sharp hooks make the fish pay for its mistake.

Humminbird APEX 13 MEGA SI+ Chartplotter

Humminbird Apex 13 Mega SI+ Chartplotter
Humminbird Apex 13 Mega SI+ Chartplotter Humminbird

Whether you’re searching for bunker schools in the Northeast, looking for red drum schools in the mid-Atlantic, clocking tarpon in the South or paddy hopping out west, the name of the game is side scan and live sonar. But these advanced sonars are only as good as the multifunction display. Humminbird rewrites the book with the APEX 13 MEGA SI+ Chartplotter. Starting with the high definition, customizable touch screen, the APEX provides crystal clear images of fish and structure. The 13-inch screen is a perfect compliment to Humminbird’s famous MEGA side scan and live sonar. Using a super high power transducer signal, the MEGA produces the most accurate representation of the world under the water. To accommodate a wide range of transducers, the APEX 13 is outfitted with a variety of ports and plugs. With the One Boat app you can control downriggers, trolling motor and anchor systems from one display.

King Sailfish Mounts Mini Mount

King Sailfish Mounts Swordfish Miniature Mount
King Sailfish Mounts Swordfish Miniature Mount King Sailfish Mounts

So you want to commemorate a trophy catch with a mount, but you don’t want to take up a ton of wall space? The solution is a King Sailfish Mounts Mini Mount. These 16-inch-long fish representations are crafted and painted with the same accuracy and quality as King Sailfish’s famous taxidermy. The Mini Mount is cast in polyester and hand painted to look just like a real fish. There’s no better way to remember your first swordfish, longest smallmouth, or heaviest snook than looking at a perfect copy hanging on the wall. 

Minn Kota Riptide Terrova Trolling Motor

Minn Kota Riptide Terrova QUEST Trolling Motor
Minn Kota Riptide Terrova Quest Minn Kota

Trolling motors are popping up on backwater skiffs and offshore rigs. The convenience of maneuvering the boat and locking it in position has inspired anglers to take trolling motors to new waters. Minn Kota has redesigned the Riptide Terrova to be tougher and easier to use. First, the composite shaft is guaranteed for life. Then, the new brushless motor has been updated from the mounts to the software. Real time battery monitoring and digital maximized power control squeeze every watt out of the battery. As part of Humminbird’s network, the Riptide can be controlled and monitored from a smartphone app.

Newport Tiller Extension Handle

Newport Tiller Extension Handle
Newport Tiller Extension Handle Newport

The only limit to adding a motor to a kayak or paddleboard is rigging the steering controls. Instead of running wires and cables, you can use Newport’s Tiller Extension Handle. The carbon fiber handle and silicone grip keep the Tiller Extension handle light and comfortable. An oversized adjustment knob makes sure the tiller handle stays attached to the tiller. The tiller handle comes in three sizes to accommodate any size boat or board. It even works with gas motors on powerboats. Whether you have a Newport electric motor or another brand outboard, the Tiller Extension Handle is an easy solution to rigging controls.

Pelagic Chubasco Bibs

Pelagic Chubasco Bib
Pelagic Chubasco Bib Pelagic

From fall through spring, I wear rain bibs from the time I walk on the boat until I step back on the dock at the end of the day. Heavy and awkward rain bibs sap my strength and cause my shoulders and spine to complain. Pelagic’s Chubasco Bibs allow me to forget I’m wearing rubber pants. The key to comfort is lightweight, four-way stretch, two-layer PVC material that is waterproof and tear resistant. Adjustable shoulder straps hold up the bibs without excessive pressure on my shoulders. My favorite feature is snaps at the leg cuffs to adjust the bib length and keep my pants from dragging on the deck. For day to day fishing, a light pair of bibs blocks wind and spray without causing fatigue.

Penn Fathom Low Profile Baitcasting Reels

Penn Fathom Low Profile Reel
Penn Fathom Low Profile Reel Penn Fishing

For the past three seasons, I’ve used PENN Fathom Low Profile reels for sight fishing red drum and cobia. I switched from spinning reels to baitcasting for better line control and more accurate casts. To stand up against the toughest predators, Fathom Low Profile offers a full-metal body, brass main gears and bearing-supported pinion. The solid package supports the powerful carbon fiber drag washers. The largest models include a synchronized line guide and drag system. As the fish pulls drag, the line guide moves back and forth to reduce stress on the line. The Fathom Low Profile comes in 200, 300 and 400 sizes with up to 30 pounds of drag pressure.

Plano Edge 3700 Swimbait Box

Plano EDGE 3700 Swimbait box
Plano EDGE 3700 Swimbait box Plano

Leave it up to Plano to reinvent the tackle tray … again. The new Edge series takes tackle storage technology to the next level with every advanced feature available. The sturdy one-hand latch and solid steel hinge pins combined with a rubber O-ring keep out moisture. Plano’s Rustrictor corrosion prevention and WaterWick absorbent material further reduce corrosion. Edge tackle trays come in all the popular sizes and dozens of customizable configurations. They fit in tackle storage systems designed for traditional tackle trays. The latest edition to the Edge family is the new Swimbait Box. The unique tackle tray can be outfitted with traditional dividers. Or, to keep large swimbaits and glide baits separate, unique hangers suspend the lures so they don’t contact the sides of the box or tangle other lures. 

Salt Life Aquatic Journey Performance Flannel Fishing Shirt

Salt Life Aquatic Journey Performance Flannel Fishing Shirt
Salt Life Aquatic Journey Performance Flannel Fishing Shirt Salt Life

Modern fishing shirts are designed to perform like athletic wear and look office casual. The Salt Life Aquatic Journey Performance Flannel Fishing Shirt packs a lot of performance into a versatile shirt. On the fishing side, the Performance Flannel is UV and odor resistant with moisture wicking fabric. Two chest pockets with button flaps hold swivels, crimps and other gear I don’t want to lose. A hidden pocket is the perfect size to carry my sunglasses. On the town, the Performance Flannel has a scalloped hem and adjustable sleeves with internal snaps to look sharp at dinner. Of course, the urban camo pattern with hidden gamefish looks cool just about anywhere.

Savage Gear Manic Shrimp RTF Lure

Savage Gear Manic Shrimp RTF V2
Savage Gear Manic Shrimp RTF V2 Savage Gear

When the water is super clear, nothing fools fish better than a lifelike shrimp imitation. Savage Gear’s latest Mantis Shrimp is designed in six realistic colors and modeled after a 3D image of a real shrimp. The articulated tail and wiggly appendages let the Mantis Shrimp move as good as it looks. Even after a fish attacks, the ruse is not up. The Mantis Shrimp is impregnated with realistic scent and a rattle to complete the presentation. The integrated weight and laser sharp hook are designed for jigging or fishing the Mantis shrimp under a popping cork. 

Shimano Teramar West Coast Fishing Rods

Shimano Teramar West Coast Casting rods
Shimano Teramar West Coast Casting rods Shimano

West coast anglers are notoriously tough on their fishing rods. That’s why Shimano updated the Teramar West Coast line to meet the demands of offshore and inshore fishing. Starting with a T-glass blank wrapped in carbon fiber tape, the new Teramar WC produces incredible power with the impact resistance of the graphite outer layer. The most common point of failure is a broken line guide. The new Taramar WC uses Seaguide line guides with beefy frames to avoid corrosion and protect the guide ring. All inshore models feature cork grips while the offshore rods use diamond pattern foam grips. Shimano even included a casting rod with Deck Hand style grip for hardcore, long distance casting. 

Siren 3 Pro Maine Device Smart Boat Monitoring System

Siren Marine Siren 3 Pro
Siren Marine Siren 3 Pro Siren Marine

As soon as I leave my boat, I start to worry. Did I forget the shore power? What if the bilge pump fails? Is the boat sinking, on fire, stolen? When I can’t see my boat, every disaster imaginable passes through my mind. Siren Marine Siren 3 Pro alleviates my anxiety anywhere and anytime. The Siren 3 connects to boat systems and wirelessly sends status reports to my smartphone. Using wired and wireless sensors and connecting to NMEA networks, the device tracks boat conditions in real time and keeps me informed of an emergency. Even when I’m at home, I can keep an eye on my boat.

XTRATUF Men’s Ice Fleece Lined Ankle Deck Boot

XTRATUF Men's Ice Fleece Lined Ankle Deck Boot
XTRATUF Men’s Ice Fleece Lined Ankle Deck Boot XTRATUF

If you’re going to design a boot for walking on wet ice, you better make it warm. XTRATUF achieved both objectives with the Men’s Ice Fleece Lined Ankle Deck Boot. The boot outsole uses certified slip resistant rubber compounds to keep a solid footing even on wet surfaces. The rubber upper is 100 percent waterproof with neoprene ankle patches for all-day comfort. Inside the boot, faux wool lining traps heat and dries fast to keep your feet warm even on the ice.

YETI Stackable Mug

YETI Stackable Mug YETI

Everyone has a favorite coffee mug. It may be chipped, cracked, stained and ugly, but a coffee drinker’s favorite cup is a best friend, sidekick and adventure buddy. Well, get ready to ditch your current beverage vessel for YETI’s new Stackable Mug. As the name says, the camp-style mug is designed with a wide mouth and low profile for easy stacking. YETI’s version is built around an 18/8 vacuum sealed body that keeps beverages hot to YETI’s high standards. To prevent liquid from sloshing out of the wide-mouth mug, the company includes its clear-plastic lid with magnetic slider opening. But nothing beats the taste of hot coffee from a ceramic mug. To combine the experience of a ceramic mug with the performance of an insulated mug, YETI lined the inside of the Stackable Mug with stain and stick resistant ceramic.

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Fall Fishing Gear for Nighttime Trips Wed, 18 Oct 2023 18:39:51 +0000 Night fishing essentials to keep you safe, warm and catching fish after dark.

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When Halloween decorations creep into neighborhood yards and children run the streets dressed as little monsters, I get excited for fall fishing. During the fall migration, fish feed day and night, so I’m on the water day and night. I admit, fishing in the dark can be terrifying. Navigating, casting, fighting fish and rigging tackle is twice as difficult. Every bump and clunk sounds twice as loud. Don’t be afraid to fish after sundown. Keep those haunting thoughts from creeping into your after-hours fishing trip with gear and tackle essentials that make night fishing less scary.

SiOnyx Nightwave

SiOnyx Nightwave camera
SiOnyx Nightwave Courtesy SiOnyx

Night vision isn’t just for zombie hunters. When the sun goes down, boaters turn on the SiOnyx Nightwave Ultra Low Light Marine Camera. The Nightwave digital camera enhances nighttime images to see a man-sized object up to 150 yards away. On a moonless night, the Black Silicon BSI CMOS sensor is capable of producing clear images on a standard multi-function display. To provide the widest image, the camera has a 44-degree field of view. With the SiOnyx Nightwave mounted to the boat’s hard top and connected to the GPS and fishfinder display, you can watch for navigation aids and hazards without taking your eyes off the water. Price: $1,995

Penn Prevail III

Penn Prevail III rods
Penn Prevail III rods are available for surf, inshore, and general boating applications Courtesy PENN

Night fishing is tough on gear. Rods and reels bang around in the dark and I don’t notice the damage until the next day. To keep up with the abuse, Penn beefed up the latest generation Prevail III fishing rods. Line guides are the first thing to break. The new Prevail III uses Dura Guides, one-piece stainless steel line guides without a guide ring that can crack or pop out. While a night fishing rod has to be tough, it also must be sensitive for casting, working the lure and detecting a light bite in the dark. That’s where I appreciate the 100-percent, 24-ton graphite blank. The material is strong enough to withstand abuse and still transmit every bump and bite. Somehow, Penn put together a graphite rod with cork grips for $99.95 for the medium action and $109.95 for the medium-heavy model.

Berkley Powerbait The Champ Swimmer

Berkley Powerbait The Champ Swimmer
Berkley Powerbait The Champ Swimmer Courtesy Berkley

The end of daylight savings time doesn’t cut short the time I spend fishing after work. Instead, losing an hour of daylight increases the time I spend fishing in the dark. One of my favorite pursuits is chasing striped bass, redfish and speckled trout in the dock lights of my neighborhood tidal creek. When I’m targeting fish in the lights, I look for a wide-body soft plastic that sinks and swims slowly. Berkley’s Powerbait Saltwater The Champ Swimmer is perfect for casting into the lights. Even when the wind is blowing, I can cast The Champ accurately beneath the boat dock or the edge of the shadow. A wide profile gives The Champ a larger silhouette in the lights. When I land a perfect cast, I want the lure to stay in the strike zone. The heavy tail and large shoulders allow the bait to swim or sink slowly. Best of all, Berkley has added PowerBait attractant to saltwater soft plastics. The Champ is one of seven new soft plastic models with a special scent and taste package for saltwater fish. Available in 13 colors and two sizes (3 inches and 3.8 inches) for $8.99.

Astral E-Ronny

Astral E-Ronny life vest PFD
Astral E-Ronny Courtesy Astral

For a little extra confidence when I’m kayak fishing after dark, I zip up and tighten down my life vest. I’m looking for a comfortable vest I don’t mind wearing. Astral’s E-Ronny life vest uses the highest quality, environmentally friendly components and materials with smart features for fishing. To provide storage without taking up space, the E-Ronny has a large pocket for a smartphone or VHF radio, plus a smaller pocket for tackle or tools. I like the mesh pocket added to the front of each large pocket for a little extra storage. Instead of placing foam high on the back like other fishing PFDs, the E-Ronny uses a thin panel of foam in the back, which is more comfortable for canoes and for fishing kayaks with a frame seat. The E-Ronny comes in four cool colors and three sizes for $135.

Toadfish Cutting Board

Toadfish Cutting Board
Toadfish Cutting Board Courtesy Toadfish

In the fall, I’m always on the go. I need a fish cleaning board that can keep up. Toadfish’s Folding Cutting Board fits in my surf bag and my fish box. I use the smaller version for cleaning fish when I’m away from home. Then, I keep the larger model on the boat to make quick work of the catch when I return to the dock. I’ve even thrown the folding cutting board in my suitcase for road trips. The board features a two stage knife sharpener so my blade is ready for the toughest fish. The top of the board is covered with food-safe high density polyethylene and the bottom of the board uses rubber pads to prevent slipping. The standard size (12 X 16 inches) is $40 and the X-large (14 X 22 inches) board costs $45.


Shimano Arma Joint swimbait
Shimano ARMAJOINT Courtesy Shimano

Just like a kid in a Halloween costume, a fishing lure tricks a fish with a treat. Shimano’s new line of ARMAJOINT jointed swimbaits takes the imitation game to extremes. To capture the realistic flash of a bait fish, inside the ARMAJOINT a thin foil sheet with holographic scales suspends on tiny springs. Every time the lure moves, the sheet vibrates to throw off a disco ball flash. For the longest casting distance, the ARMAJOINT uses magnets to fold the lure into an aerodynamic package as it flies through the air. When the lure lands, the magnets release and the bait swims naturally. All of this technology would be worthless if it didn’t work. The engineers at Shimano poured all their experience into designing a reliable swimbait with technology that will amaze the fish. The new swimbait is available in five colors for $42.

RELiON InSight 12V Battery

RELiON InSight 12V Battery
RELiON InSight 12V Battery Courtesy RELiON

When the sun goes down, the navigation and deck lights come on. The added power draw requires a reliable battery for night fishing. RELiON InSight 12V Battery is up to the task with overbuilt design and advanced performance. For vibration resistance, the InSight is built with a steel backing plate and bolted connections. To improve rigidity, the cells are housed in aluminum casing. An IP67-rated case keeps out water and dirt while still letting heat escape. To protect the electronics, the InSight uses an advanced battery management system that controls charge and discharge and prevents overheating and overcharging. Lithium batteries cost significantly more than traditional lead batteries, but they last longer and weigh less. The RELiON InSight is built tough and smart to get the most out of LiON’s advantages. Price: $1,199.95

Daiwa Free Swimmer

Daiwa Free Swimmer spinning reel
Daiwa Free Swimmer 5000 Courtesy Daiwa

Fishing in the dark requires more finesse than daytime fishing. Predators seem more wary after sunset, so a free-swimming live bait is just the thing to convince a large snook, speckled trout or striped bass to bite. A spinning reel, like Daiwa’s Free Swimmer, allows the angler to cast a light live bait and then let it swim naturally. When the fish strikes, slam the free swimmer in gear and the circle hook comes tight. Then Daiwa’s best reel technology takes over. The new Free Swimmer uses larger and more robust gears along with a metal sideplate to produce greater pressure on the reel handle. The carbon fiber drag uses grease with a low start-up viscosity. This means the drag engages easily and then turns up the pressure as the fish turns up the heat. The Free Swimmer’s freshest models are in 3000 or 5000 sizes, your choice for $149.95.

Columbia PFG Bonefish Quarter Zip Pullover

Columbia PFG Bonefish Quarter Zip Pullover jacket
Columbia PFG Bonefish Quarter Zip Courtesy Columbia Sportswear

After the sun sets, fall nights cool fast. For an extra layer of warmth when the temperature drops, Columbia’s Bonefish Quarter Zip Pullover is suited as an outer layer or mid layer under a heavier shell. The versatile fleece allows me to control the heat whether I’m freezing while I wait for a bite or sweating while I fight the fish. To lower the heat, I open the quarter-zip collar. A soft chin guard on the high collar keeps the zipper from irritating my neck and face. To turn up the furnace, I cinch the bottom hem to block out cold air. Fall weather is unpredictable, the Bonefish Quarter Zip makes comfort more predictable. To fit any angler, the Bonefish Quarter Zip Pullover comes in five sizes from S to XXXL and three colors for $75.

Z-Man ZWG Weighted Swimbait Hook

Z-Man ZWG Weighted Swimbait Hook
Z-Man ZWG Weighted Swimbait Hook Courtesy Z-Man Fishing

Fish hunt at night by looking for bait silhouetted in the moonlight. A suspended or slow-sinking soft plastic on a weighted weedless hook makes an easy target. Z-Man’s ZWG Weighted Swimbait Hook addresses some of the challenges of using a weedless soft plastic. To secure the soft plastic to the hook, the ZWG uses a plastic bead at the hook bend and a plastic collar at the hook’s eye. The thin lead weight prevents snags by sliding through grass and over rocks and oyster shells. In the dark, I feel and hear the bite before I see the fish strike. The ZWG has a dual tapered hook point to set the hook before I realize I’ve had a bite. To match a variety of soft plastics and target species, the ZWG offers three hook sizes (3/0, 4/0, 5/0) and each hook sizes has three sinker sizes. A pack of Z-Man ZWG Weighted Swimbait Hooks runs $6.49.

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Holiday Gift Guide for Women Anglers Thu, 21 Sep 2023 13:00:00 +0000 16 great ideas for the female fishing enthusiasts in your family.

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Every year, my husband asks me for my Christmas list. Usually, when he asks, I’m stumped. But this season, I have started my research early. If you’re looking for personal gift ideas to offer your significant other, or if you’re wanting to buy a great fishing gift for a female friend or family member, we’ve got 16 choices at all price points listed below. Happy shopping!

Salt Life Nightfall Hoodie
Salt Life Nightfall Hoodie Courtesy Salt Life

Salt Life Nightfall Hoodie

Cheers to cooler weather finally arriving and transitional clothing like Salt Life’s Nightfall performance fleece jacket. The 60 percent cotton, 40 percent polyester knit fabric is bonded to 100 percent polyester microfleece. The hoodie features a water-repellent coating, a mock neck, a zip front, and a kangaroo pocket. Available in olive or black and in sizes S through XL. $110

Toadfish Dry Box
Toadfish Dry Box Courtesy Toadfish

Toadfish Dry Box

A crushproof storage box for your boat, kayak or SUP is a valued accessory. Toadfish builds one that also suctions to your deck so you don’t have to worry about stowing it or knocking it overboard. The IPX7 sealed system is waterproof up to 1 meter for 30 minutes. It’s made from impact proof ABS and comes with EVA lure pads and a soft-touch rubber interior. There’s even a removable cellphone tray at the top. With every product sold, Toadfish also gives back to restocking fish in partnership with coastal hatcheries. $55.

Kane Revive
Kane Revive Courtesy Kane

Kane Revive

This bio-based, molded-EVA-foam slip-on shoe from Kane was totally new to me, but I have to say that it just might be my new favorite boat- and kayak-fishing shoe. I found that it gave me confident footing on a slippery boat ramp and remained cool throughout several 90-plus-degree days. On my boat, I was able to stand and sightfish for hours without feeling any leg or back tightness. Kane calls this active-recovery footwear because it provides cushioned ergonomic support. Among the shoe’s designers was Dr. Daniel Geller, a board-certified foot and ankle surgeon who has worked with the New York City Ballet as well as cycling and triathlon teams. Revive comes in men’s (3-17) and women’s (5-19) sizes and in 20 colors. A nylon cord threaded through the loops at the heel help you pull the shoe onto your foot. The shoe’s RestoreFoam is made from Brazilian sugarcane. $75

Bajio Palometa Readers
Bajio Palometa Readers Courtesy Bajio

Bajio Palometa Readers

Those of us who’ve reached a “certain age” know how frustrating it can be to go fishing and not be able to see to tie a knot or even see the fishing line. That’s where sunglass readers can be a godsend. Bajio now offers 1.50, 2.0 and 2.50 strength readers in all of its full-wrap frame styles. One particular frame I like is the Palometa, a sized-down version of the Bales Beach frames. The medium-size Palometa remains lightweight, though its side pieces offer good coverage, and the vented rubber side shields enhance glare protection. I particularly like the two-way flex hinges. Available in brown tortoise matte, black matte and blue tortoise matte colors, the bio-based nylon frames can be fitted with gray, blue mirror, green mirror or rose mirror lenses. $229.

Penn Spinfisher VII
Penn Spinfisher VII Courtesy Penn

Penn Spinfisher VII

Penn’s Spinfisher VII spinning reels were designed for inshore saltwater and surf fishing. They feature a sealed HT-100 carbon-fiber drag system, a recently upgraded CNC brass gearing and 5+1 stainless-steel ball bearings. The series spans 18 models, from 2500 to 10500 sizes, and comes with Long Cast, Live Liner, and Bail-less options, boasting max drag ratings from 15 to 50 pounds. Gear ratios range from 4.2- to 6.2-to-1. The reels offer an IPX5 rating, fortified against splashes and sprays. $169.95 to $279.95.

King Sailfish Mounts Release Mount
King Sailfish Mounts Release Mount Courtesy King Sailfish Mounts

King Sailfish Mounts Release Mount

Whether you caught and released that fish-of-a-lifetime yesterday or decades ago, you can still commemorate it with a release mount. King Sailfish Mounts has replicated more than 170 species of fish; the company has produced everything from miniature statues for $39 up to a 16-foot great white shark for $20,000. The average fish mount starts at $429. Send KSM photos and/or measurements of a specific fish or order something that represents your memory. Custom ideas include dioramas and specialty designs such as a roosterfish comb to decorate a mantle.

Grundéns Deviation Sherpa Ankle Boot
Grundéns Deviation Sherpa Ankle Boot Courtesy Grundéns

Grundéns Deviation Sherpa Ankle Boot

For cold days on the water, the Deviation Sherpa Ankle Boot offers high-pile fleece insulation and a non-marking, lugged, rubber outsole. Stretchy neoprene panels at the ankle create easy entry. The compression-molded EVA midsole provides comfort and support all day. The boots come in sizes 5 to 11 and in black or silt with a patterned neoprene panel. $149.99.

Shimano Talica 12II/16II
Shimano Talica 12II/16II Courtesy Shimano

Shimano Talica 12II/16II

Shimano’s small 2-speed lever-drag Talicas—12IIA and 16IIA— set the standard for the brand with ultra-smooth action and powerful drag performance. Shimano added Infinity Drive technology, a new drag design to increase force while reducing side-load pressure for up to 30 percent lighter rotation. This new generation of Talicas also features X-Protect for high-level water resistance in vital areas. The included Light-Line Drag Cam generates a lower drag curve for anglers fishing mono or lighter fluorocarbon leaders. Made from highly rigid aluminum, the reels also come with a 6 percent smaller palming side plate. Both reels feature 5.7- and 3.1-to-1 gear ratios and 44 pounds of max drag; they hold up to 80-pound PowerPro (355 and 450 yards). $599.99 and $609.99.

G. Loomis NRX+ Inshore
G. Loomis NRX+ Inshore Courtesy G. Loomis

G. Loomis NRX+ Inshore

G. Loomis’ 10 new NRX+ Inshore spinning and casting rods feature Spiral X graphite construction with multi-taper design to reinforce potential stress points. The light- to medium-heavy-power blanks are fitted with a Fuji Titanium SIC K-frame guide train and custom CI4+ reel seats and measure 6 feet 6 inches to 7 feet 6 inches. The lightest spinner is rated for 6- to 8-pound test; the largest is rated for 15- to 20-pound. The three casting models are rated for 8- to 15-pound or 10- to 15-pound test. $625 to $650.

Costa Seadrift
Costa Seadrift Courtesy Costa

Costa Seadrift

Costa knows that female anglers appreciate fashion and function. The new Seadrift frames check both boxes. Seadrift features an 8-base bio-resin frame with performance features such as Hydrolite rubber and micro-sculpted side shields, but it’s designed for small and medium faces with a soft rectangular shape. The new design is available in six styles including shiny tortoise fade frames w/ copper (polycarbonate), silver mirror (glass), gray (glass) or green mirror (polycarbonate) lenses, and urchin frames with gray (glass) or blue mirror (glass) lenses. Starting at $160.

Branwyn Performance Innerwear
Branwyn Performance Innerwear Courtesy Branwyn

Branwyn Performance Innerwear

Perhaps you have wondered, like me, when some company would make performance innerwear for female anglers and outdoor enthusiasts. Sure, we can buy layering pieces, but I’m talking the intimate stuff you wear next to your body. A company called Branwyn has introduced merino wool bras and underwear designed by active women for active women: that’s a win/win. The merino wool is naturally breathable and moisture wicking. It helps regulate temperature and resists odor. I can tell you that on a hot summer day in the South, it definitely made a difference to me in terms of feeling cooler and drier all day. Right now, Branwyn offers two different kinds of bras and three kinds of panties. They come in sizes XS through XL and in five colors. $30 to $58.

Old Town Sportsman BigWater ePDL +132
Old Town Sportsman BigWater ePDL +132 Courtesy Old Town

Old Town Sportsman BigWater ePDL +132

Like me, perhaps you’ve seen the growing number of electric-assist bicycles motoring along the sidewalks. Combining pedal power and motor power seems to be a current trend, and now Old Town has brought it to the Sportsman BigWater ePDL +132 kayak. The ePDL+ drive system allows anglers to switch between manual pedal, power-assisted pedal and fully motorized cruise control. A compact, 8 ½-pound 36V lithium-ion battery and charger comes with the craft, which measures 13 feet 2 inches long and 36 inches wide. The hull weighs 95 pounds; the assembled boat weighs 143 pounds. The kayak comes in steel camo, ember camo and marsh camo. $5,999.99 (pre-ordering available now.)

Yeti Cosmic Lilac Wine Tumbler
Yeti Cosmic Lilac Wine Tumbler Courtesy Yeti

Yeti Cosmic Lilac Wine Tumbler

Yeti’s limited-edition Cosmic Lilac — or lavender — colorway gives the company’s wine tumbler a sophisticated female twist. That pleasing color and the fact that the tumbler holds 10 ounces means you can drink a solid pour of red wine anywhere. The tumblers are made from kitchen-grade stainless steel so they’re puncture and rust resistant. The double-wall vacuum insulation and the magslider lid keep your beverage at the proper temperature. The tumblers are dishwasher safe. If lilac ain’t your thing, try one of the other three limited-edition or four core colors. $25.

Magellan FishGear Overcast Pullover Hoodie
Magellan FishGear Overcast Pullover Hoodie Courtesy Magellan

Magellan FishGear Overcast Pullover Hoodie

Polyester flex material makes this long-sleeve hoodie comfortable and durable. Its UPF 30 rating protects your skin while its ventilated design enhances breathability. The shirt’s moisture-wicking technology helps draw sweat away from the body. Side zippered pockets and a chest pocket easily hold extra leader or terminal tackle. Available in gray and in sizes XS through XXL. $29.99.

Fin-Nor Tillies Bank
Fin-Nor Tillies Bank Courtesy Fin-Nor

Fin-Nor Tillies Bank

The performance-style Tillies Bank features low-profile side shields, integrated spring hinges and rubber nose pads. Tillies Bank comes with Fin-Nor’s Lateral Line lens technology for maximum protection, clarity and polarization. The lenses also reduce blue light transmission to cut through mist and haze. Glass lenses come with seven-layer anti-reflecting coating; polycarbonate lenses come with five layers—all reduce glare on the backside of the lens. Tillies Bank frames comes in three colors: Matte Deep Shallow Blue, Honey Ripple Fade and Flats Pool Tort. Available lenses include blue mirror, copper, green mirror, gray and silver mirror. Starting at $179.

Fenwick World Class
Fenwick World Class Courtesy Fenwick

Fenwick World Class

The Fenwick World Class technique-specific, inshore, bass and walleye rod series focuses on the importance of weight, balance, and sensitivity. Made from a blend of high-modulus graphite and Fenwick’s proprietary reinforcing resin, the World Class blanks are as light as they can be without disrupting responsiveness. The thoughtfully measured handle diameter optimizes leverage and action; the ergonomic grip enhances the angler’s ability to detect changes in structure, lure movement, and bites. Available in casting and spinning models, the rods measure from 6 feet 3 inches to 7 feet 6 inches with light to extra-heavy power and moderate-fast to extra-fast actions. They feature titanium guide frames with super-thin zirconia inserts. Starting at $419.95.

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The Best New Spinning Reels for 2023 and Beyond Mon, 28 Aug 2023 19:44:36 +0000 Shopping around for your next spinning reel? Here are some fresh, innovative options from top tackle manufacturers.

The post The Best New Spinning Reels for 2023 and Beyond appeared first on Sport Fishing Mag.

Snook caught on spinning combo
A spinning reel might be the most versatile piece of fishing tackle available. What can’t you catch with it? Pictured, a nice snook for release. Courtesy Tsunami

Few can argue the spinning reel isn’t an essential piece of fishing tackle. Used in freshwater, salt water and the sweet water that connects the two — it doesn’t really matter where you’re fishing or what you’re targeting, there’s likely an ideal spinning reel for you. From catching tuna on poppers to drop-shotting for largemouth bass, spinning reels are a top option. Even anglers targeting white marlin and sailfish sometimes opt for spinners, especially when slow-trolling small ballyhoo. No doubt about it, the variety of options and prices of today’s spinners is extensive.

Plus, spinning reels flat-out last if you take care of them. But at some point, the design, material and tech updates in the latest spinning reels are too much to pass up. So even if you can’t retire your old favorite reels, you probably find yourself researching what’s available each new season. Check out these options available right now in 2023, plus some brand-new spinning reel models for 2024. Reels are listed in alphabetical order. Or click directly on a manufacturer in the bullets below:

Abu Garcia Revo SX
Abu Garcia Revo SX Courtesy Abu Garcia

Abu Garcia Revo SX Spinning Reel

Abu Garcia’s Revo spinning reels underwent a complete redesign in 2022, consisting of fresh looks and upgraded components. New for the Revo spinning models, the lineup features an asymmetric, aluminum one-piece frame for a more compact reel design. You’ll notice this change in their four main reels: the Revo Rocket, Revo SX, Revo Winch and Revo X spinners.

While remaining extremely rigid, the four different Revos are very lightweight. Built with the new AMG2 gear system that is 17 percent larger than the previous generation of Revos, the system provides this lineup with improved gear strength and a wider range of gear ratio options.

The Abu Garcia Revo SX Spinning Reel was designed with balance, performance and durability at the forefront. Key features in this model include an asymmetrical X-Craftic body design for a more compact body, Zenon inspired body design to help reduce overall weight, 8+1 HPCR bearing system, and friction-free main shaft design. The Revo SX SP30 has a 6.2:1 gear ratio, 11 pounds of drag, and line capacity of 180 yards of 10-pound braid. Buy now

Daiwa Exceler
Daiwa Exceler Courtesy Daiwa

Daiwa Exceler Spinning Reel

Daiwa’s Exceler family of reels can be described as a blend of appealing aesthetics, smooth operation, and steadfast drag capabilities — all within the accessible price range of $100.

“We embarked on a journey of reinvention with the Exceler series,” explained Marc Mills, senior marketing manager at Daiwa. “Our first step was to craft a lighter version by embracing the cutting-edge Zaion V carbon fiber body. This shift not only reduces the weight of the new Exceler but also aligns its performance with existing models in larger sizes.”

The original Daiwa Exceler LT made waves as a budget-friendly reel rivaling pricier counterparts. In this new generation, the Carbon Light Material takes a backseat to the Zaion V body, producing a lighter framework with heightened structural integrity. A proprietary Tough Digigear generates robust gear engagement and longevity. And a ball bearing-supported Advanced Tournament Drag (ATD) results in smooth and reliable drag performance.

“Furthermore, we adopted the innovative Airdrive Rotor, a departure from the conventional air rotor,” said Mills. “This new rotor not only trims down weight considerably but also enhances overall agility. Accompanying this shift, we redesigned the bail, introducing the slender yet robust Airdrive Bail. Opting for a solid bail wire ensures durability and resilience against bending during regular use.” Buy now

  • Models: Sizes from 1000 to 6000
  • Price: $99.99 – $119.99
  • Available: Fall 2023
  • Site:
KastKing MegaJaws Elite
KastKing MegaJaws Elite Courtesy KastKing

KastKing MegaJaws Elite Spinning Reel

The KastKing MegaJaws Elite spinning reel is an affordable option for any freshwater angler interested in finesse fishing. Using light lines and small lures, especially with techniques such as casting micro jigs or drop-shotting for bass, feel confident making precision casts. The MegaJaws Elite boasts a gear ratio of 6.2:1, striking a balance between speed and power.

Some specific features of the MegaJaws Elite spinner help it stand out. A lightweight and shallow spool minimizes line coil and maximizes casting distance. The stainless-steel line roller and double-shielded stainless-steel bearings (10 + 1) generate a smooth retrieve. KastKing uses zinc alloy for the main drive gear to balance strength and weight, cutting out unnecessary bulk. And an aluminum pinion drive gear, equipped with a carbon fiber drag system, produces a smooth and seamless controlled feel when anglers are fighting fish.

  • Models: 2000, 2500, 3000
  • Price: $139.99
  • Site:
Okuma Inspira ISX A
Okuma Inspira ISX A Courtesy Okuma

Okuma Inspira ISX A Spinning Reel

Okuma pushed the boundaries with their latest reel, the Inspira ISX A spinner, combining stability, silkiness, and new tech that promises to satisfy anglers. Crafted with precision, the Inspira ISX employs Okuma’s patented diecast aluminum Torsion Control Armor (TCA) technology. A departure from conventional single side-designs, the TCA’s dual-arm configuration offers increased torsional and flex resistance under pressure. This translates to improved strength, dependable rigidity, and strict alignment of its internal components.

The addition of Okuma’s exclusive Proprietary Flite Drive system further accentuates gear stability. Complemented by a multi-disc Carbonite and stainless-steel drag washer system — and fortified with 8BB+1RB stainless steel bearings — the Inspira ISX guarantees that smooth feel while fighting fish.

Weighing just 7.1 ounces, the spinning reel still produces 24 pounds of maximum drag capacity. Its oversized HDGII main gear, coupled with a machined brass pinion gear, means that anglers can expect a workhorse. The reel’s machined aluminum screw-in handle design, paired with lightweight TPE handle knobs, ensures comfort during extended fishing trips. A RESII: Computer balanced Rotor Equalizing System adds the final touch, offering balanced, reduced rotor wobble, and smoother operation.

  • Models: 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000
  • Price: $99.99 – $104.99
  • Available: Early 2024
  • Site:
Penn Spinfisher VII
Penn Spinfisher VII Courtesy Penn

Penn Spinfisher VII Spinning Reel

Penn Fishing’s upgraded Spinfisher VII spinning reel is a result of the company’s commitment to quality. Designed for anglers who want reliability and raw cranking power, the newest Spinfisher VII is a no-brainer. The Spinfisher series is not new; in fact, it’s been a popular choice for inshore and surf applications for years.

That trend continues with the Spinfisher VII, which boasts a fully sealed HT-100 carbon fiber drag system. The drag system works overtime, protecting against water intrusion and delivering fish-stopping power. The Spinfisher’s new CNC gear technology also takes center stage, combining robust all-brass gearing and 5+1 sealed stainless-steel ball bearings. You’ll also notice on the latest model a specialized line keeper that can hold heavy leader material. Other features that carry over from previous generations include the IPX5-sealed full-metal body and spool design.

The Spinfisher VII is available in 18 models, catering to various fishing styles. From finesse fishing with 2500-size reels to offshore fishing with the largest 10500 model, this reel family covers it all. Long Cast, Live Liner, and Bail-less options are also available. The drag pressures across the reel family range anywhere from 15 to 50 pounds, upping the fish-stopping power as the reels grow in size. The Spinfisher VII can also be factory-matched with a graphite composite rod in 11 different available combo options. Buy now

  • 18 Models Available
  • Price: $179.95 – $289.95 (Reels) | $209.99 – $289.99 (Combos)
  • Available: September 2023
  • Site:

SEVIIN GSW Spinning Reel

SEVIIN reels was born from St. Croix’s seven decades of rod-building expertise, a legacy of family ownership, and an unwavering commitment to anglers worldwide. The SEVIIN GSW series of saltwater spinning reels, a cornerstone of SEVIIN’s 2024 product lineup, is a testament to years of initial designing, engineering and product testing.

“Our new GSW was designed from an entirely blank slate with the goal of creating a strong and powerful family of saltwater spinning reels that deliver uncompromising performance and reliability with exterior design aesthetics that look like nothing else on the market,” detailed Robert Woods, SEVIIN Reels’ product manager.

A shield against the corrosive ocean environment, the GSW reels feature fully gasketed side plates and blade seals on the spool shaft. This feature prevents salt spray intrusion but still allows freshwater rinsing after every trip. These protective measures protect the GSW’s core, featuring a 6 + 1 shielded stainless-steel bearing system, a robust multi-stack carbon fiber drag system backed by stainless-steel components, and meticulously engineered precision-hobbed hard-brass pinion and die-cast drive gear.

The GSW’s resilient aluminum alloy body and side covers produce strength, rigidity, and corrosion resistance, while the spool is also crafted from forged, lightweight aluminum. SEVIIN’s GSW series employs an S-Curve design across all sizes, for a slow-and-even line wrap on the spool. Longer casts and minimal line management hassles are a happy result. The larger 6000 and 8000 models include wider rotors and enhanced drag systems, utilizing crafted aluminum die-cast rotors that eliminate rotor flex. Buy now

  • Models: 3000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 sizes
  • Price: $160 – $200
  • Available: February 2024
  • Site: seviinreels
Shimano Stradic FM
Shimano Stradic FM Courtesy Shimano

Shimano Stradic FM Spinning Reel

The Shimano Stradic FM spinning reel is the latest addition to Shimano’s CoreSolid lineup that continues the brand’s legacy. Building on the strong reputation of its predecessors, the Stradic FM is full of innovative technologies.

One standout feature is its InfinityXross tech that extends the gear tooth horizontally, ensuring an even distribution of load. In addition, the Stradic FM utilizes Shimano’s strong HAGANE gearing, plus a MicroModule II gear teeth design for a crisp feel while reeling. The reel’s InfinityDrive generates sturdy rotation and heightened cranking power even under demanding loads. And a newly incorporated Duracross Drag system performs as smoothly as traditional felt, but Shimano says theirs is 10 times more durable.

Shimano’s X-Protect water-repellent coating thwarts water penetration in critical areas, all without introducing that cumbersome rotational feel. One final feature is the Anti-Twist Fin, an elastic polymer placed on the roller’s underside. This addition helps anglers using monofilament or fluorocarbon lines prevent twists that can ruin your fishing day.

  • Models: ST1000HGFM, ST2500HGFM, STC3000XGFM, ST4000XGFM, STC5000XGFM
  • Price: $199.99 – $229.99
  • Site:
Toadfish Carbon Elite
Toadfish Carbon Elite Courtesy Toadfish

Toadfish Carbon Elite Spinning Reel

The Toadfish Carbon Elite spinning reel is a winner, mixing balance, lightweight construction and durability. Its aluminum body ensures precise gear alignment and eliminates unwanted flex, paired with a carbon fiber handle that’s lightweight and strong.

The Carbon Elite’s sealed carbon drag system is a must-have, using carbon fiber drag washers to produce that smooth, solid feel when fighting fish. A carbon rotor is also unique, but helps contribute to the strength and light weight of the reel. The 3000-model reel has a gear ratio of 6:1, maxes out at 16 pounds of drag, and weighs 7.8 ounces.

Other components include 7+1 sealed stainless steel ball bearings and an innovative IPX5 sealed system. Strategically placed seals on the drag, rotor, and body help keep out harsh saltwater. Toadfish’s Comfort Control Grips are also a welcome plus, preventing fatigue during extended fishing sessions.

  • Models: 2000, 2500, 3000 and 4000 series
  • Price: $150
  • Site:
Tsunami SaltX II
Tsunami SaltX II Courtesy Tsunami

Tsunami SaltX II Spinning Reel

The Tsunami SaltX II spinning reel is one of those reels you absolutely need to get your hands on. It just feels bullet-proof in your grasp, and that slight weight radiates pure power. The body and rotor of the SaltX II are constructed from A6061 Aluminum. The design is fully sealed and incorporates 19 seals to ensure optimal protection. The SaltX II also features a sealed Hammer drag system and a braid-ready spool.

The main and pinion gears of the SaltX II are made from digitally optimized S-Drive stainless steel. With 7+1 sealed stainless steel ball bearings, it offers smooth operation. A unique sealed anti-reverse bearing is also included.

The reel utilizes a manually closing bail system with a sealed bail spring. Its one-piece machined handle arm includes a round non-slip power knob. The handle arm is convertible for both left and right hand retrieval. For increased weight savings and durability, the reel incorporates a titanium spool lip, bail wire, and main-shaft.

If you haven’t noticed, the SaltX II reel series is built to protect against the worst saltwater conditions, whether surf fishing for tarpon or offshore fishing for tunas. Plus, the drag stopping power is no joke. The largest SaltX II reel — the 8000 model — weighs 22 ounces, has a 4.7:1 gear ratio, produces 50 pounds of max drag, and handles 400 yards of 65-pound braid.

The post The Best New Spinning Reels for 2023 and Beyond appeared first on Sport Fishing Mag.

Low-Profile Baitcasters for Inshore Fishing Mon, 31 Jul 2023 13:00:00 +0000 Five baitcasting reels built for skinny water fishing trips.

The post Low-Profile Baitcasters for Inshore Fishing appeared first on Sport Fishing Mag.

redfish caught on baitcaster
Inshore anglers who have switched from spinning reels to baitcasters rave over tighter drags and increased casting accuracy. Sam Hudson

Lightweight wonders of engineering, low-profile saltwater baitcasting reels cast quickly and accurately without backing down to sizable opponents.

Penn Fathom
Penn Fathom Jon Whittle

Penn Fathom

The Fathom features a full metal body, carbon-fiber drag, and stainless-steel bearings. The pinion gear is supported by ball bearings and brass gears for extra cranking power.

Shimano Tranx 150
Shimano Tranx 150 Jon Whittle

Shimano Tranx 150

Shimano packed their best technology into the Tranx 150, including a centrifugal casting brake capable of launching a quarter-ounce jig into the wind, a triumph for any casting reel.

Daiwa 150 SV Coastal
Daiwa 150 SV Coastal Jon Whittle

Daiwa 150 SV Coastal

The Coastal 150 SV uses a cool T-wing line guide that opens up for unimpeded casting. To maximize line capacity, Daiwa shoved a 150-size spool in a 100-size reel.

13 Fishing Concept TX Gen II
13 Fishing Concept TX Gen II Jon Whittle

13 Fishing Concept TX Gen II

Inspired by Texas wade-fishermen, 13 Fishing designed the TX2 with carbon frame and side plates, along with zero-corrosion bearings, gears and spool to survive constant exposure to salt water and sand.

Okuma Komodo SS
Okuma Komodo SS Jon Whittle

Okuma Komodo SS

With an emphasis on corrosion resistance, the Komodo features stainless-steel bearings, gearing and drive shaft. A six-pin centrifugal brake and lightweight aluminum spool control casting power.

The post Low-Profile Baitcasters for Inshore Fishing appeared first on Sport Fishing Mag.

Here’s What Caught Our Eye at ICAST Wed, 19 Jul 2023 16:00:08 +0000 A gallery of more than 30 new products from your favorite fishing companies.

The post Here’s What Caught Our Eye at ICAST appeared first on Sport Fishing Mag.

ICAST 2023 event
This year’s ICAST event was jam-packed with the latest gear, tackle, and apparel for anglers. Largemouth bass too! Sam Hudson

There is no place better than the annual ICAST (International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades) show in Orlando, Florida, to see the newest fishing products available this fall or early next year. The weeklong event is a blast for outdoor media because it allows us to get a sneak peek of things to come.

This year we saw a couple of different trends, including the introduction of next-generation trolling motors from a number of manufacturers. Also, since the ICAST show is a useful indicator of the future, anglers can expect to have even more options for sunglasses, deck boots, electric reels, and lithium batteries. Below, the products listed in alphabetical order caught our eye in some way. For complete features and specs on each product, check out the link provided to their official website.

Abu Garcia Revo SX-SS fishing reel
Abu Garcia Revo SX-SS Sam Hudson

Abu Garcia Revo SX-SS

The precision redesigning that went into the Abu Garcia Revo SX-SS is obvious. A lightweight, shallow spool makes this reel purpose built for skipping, pitching and flipping. No long casts with this one. A high speed 8.1:1 gear ratio and 22 pounds of Power Stack Carbon Matrix Drag will help pull big bass out of thick cover.

AFTCO Mojeaux 1/4 Zip sweatshirt
AFTCO Mojeaux 1/4 Zip Sam Hudson

AFTCO Mojeaux 1/4 Zip

ICAST’s winner for Warm Weather Technical Apparel for Women, the AFTCO Mojeaux 1/4 Zip Performance Shirt was designed by Capt. Moe Newman of Venice, Louisiana. She spends more days than most on the water in the Gulf heat. Her performance shirt includes Air-O Mesh ventilation fabric with UPF 50 sun protection, DWR stain release, quick dry / moisture wicking, a stealth zipper pocket, and thumb loops.

Bajio Eldora sunglasses
Bajio Eldora Sam Hudson

Bajio Eldora

Florida-based Bajio sunglasses label some of their frames after spots in the Sunshine State, places like Stiltsville and Ozello. The Eldora frames are named after an area of Mosquito Lagoon, located not too far from their office. Bajio prides itself on its quality frames and lenses, but also their sustainable practices and initiatives. Of note, Bajio recently launched a College Ambassador Program to help students and prospective students learn about the fishing opportunities at different universities.

Berkley Swamp Lord topwater lure
Berkley Swamp Lord Sam Hudson

Berkley Swamp Lord

The hollow-body Swamp Lord topwater frog from Berkley was designed by longtime bass pro Bobby Lane. The frog features mega-sharp Fusion19 hooks, plus a supple body material that easily collapses when eaten. A sealed body chamber reduces water intrusion. Buy the Swamp Lord in both standard and popping models.

Bonafide SKF 117 kayak
Bonafide SKF 117 Sam Hudson

Bonafide SKF 117

In a world where kayaks are looking more and more like single-person boats, the Bonafide SKF 117 keeps it surprisingly simple. The hybrid standup/sitdown fishing kayak is at home on the shallowest flats. A spring-loaded skeg in the keel deploys by a lever to help track straight. Total length is under 12 feet, but still has room for a cooler behind the seat. Plus, the high rise seat makes it easy to stand up and fish on the wide-open front deck. You’ll have no problem adding accessories such as a fishfinder or Micro Anchor if you want to go that route.

Columbia Castback TC PFG shoes
Columbia Castback TC PFG Sam Hudson

Columbia Castback TC PFG

A couple great features highlight the new Columbia Castback TC PFG shoe. First, you might notice the grippy razor sipings on the rubber outsole for exceptional staying power on the boat. Second, the midsole incorporates the OMNI-MAX Plus system: a TECHLITE+ midsole cradles the heel for balance while deflection domes in the forefoot and heel absorb impact. A fun fact: Castback’s shoe heel collapses if you want to wear the shoe like a slip-on.

Costa King Tide sunglasses
Costa King Tide Sam Hudson

Costa King Tide

Years in the making, the Costa King Tide 6 and 8 sunglasses are loaded with innovation. Two options include a medium wrap 6-base frame (King Tide 6) and a full wrap 8-base option (King Tide 8). What you’ll notice on the frames are the removable side shields, shark inspired venting to prevent fog, sweat management channels and eye wire drains, and non-skid hooding to keep your frames in one spot when you’re not wearing them.

Daiwa Tatula Elite bass rod and reel
Daiwa Tatula Elite Sam Hudson

Daiwa Tatula Elite

At the show, Daiwa introduced the TATULA Elite AGS bass rod series, a 16 model lineup with the latest advancements in Daiwa rod technology. At the core of the TATULA Elite AGS rods are lightweight SVF Nano Plus blanks, along with X45 Bias construction to prevent blank twisting for greater strength, excellent sensitivity, and hook-setting power. In conjunction, Daiwa also released a redesigned and affordable TATULA 100 that’s extremely palmable and ultra-ergonomic.

Fenwick World Class fishing rods
Fenwick World Class Sam Hudson

Fenwick World Class

Fenwick’s World Class rod series provide anglers with 62 technique-specific rods to meet their specialized needs. The freshwater rod models consist of bass casting, bass spinning, bass crankbait casting, and walleye spinning. The saltwater rod options offered include inshore spinning and casting rods. What makes the World Class rods special is how they feel in the hand — they developed a winner. Features include tailored foregrip, 40/36 ton graphite blend with proprietary reinforcing resin, contoured rod butt, and titanium guide frames with super thin zirconia inserts.

Garmin Force Kraken trolling motor
Garmin Force Kraken Sam Hudson

Garmin Force Kraken

Garmin Force Kraken’s brushless trolling motor produces 100 pounds of thrust on a 36-volt system. Key “modes” that new anglers will like include the precise anchor lock technology, route navigation and heading hold abilities. The Kraken trolling motor is designed with longer shaft lengths (63, 75 and 90 inches) and a pivot-style mount. Kraken also features wireless integration with Garmin electronics, plus select motors include a built-in all-in-one transducer with Ultra High-Definition ClearVü and SideVü scanning sonar.

G. Loomis NRX+ Inshore fishing rods
G. Loomis NRX+ Inshore Sam Hudson

G. Loomis NRX+ Inshore

Best saltwater rod at the show went to the G. Loomis NRX+ Inshore. These American-made blanks are rolled with Spiral X technology for increased casting distance, heightened sensitivity, and drastic weight reduction. No doubt about it, the rods are lightweight in your hand. Other specs include custom CI4+ reel seats and Fuji Titanium SiC guide train. The full lineup includes 10 casting and spinning rods.

Grundens Fishfinder Sandal
Grundens Fishfinder Sandal Sam Hudson

Grundens Fishfinder Sandal

Grundens incorporated SeaDek into the footbed of its Fishfinder Sandal for wet traction and all day comfort. Water-friendly synthetic straps are quick drying, while a compression-molded EVA midsole delivers heel and arch support. The razor-siped non-marking rubber outsole performs well in wet conditions. This sandal offers everything you need in a flip flop.

Hobie Eyewear Floating Collection sunglasses
Hobie Eyewear Floating Collection Sam Hudson

Hobie Eyewear Floating Collection

While other sunglasses sink, Hobie Eyewear’s floating collection won’t slither into the depths. If you accidentally drop these sunglasses over the side, you won’t be kicking yourself. These glasses float. Different models are available, including the popular Coastal, Mariposa, Bluefin and Mojo (pictured) frames. All models are base 6 or 8 and feature Hydroclean 360 polarized lenses.

KastKing IReel smart fishing reel
KastKing IReel Sam Hudson

KastKing IReel

You might know about KastKing fishing products from Amazon, but its new IReel is as close as you can get to a “smart” reel. The IReel IFC (Intelligent Frequency Control) low-profile baitcaster features an axis eye line guide, lightweight aluminum alloy frame and carbon fiber side covers, 11+1 double-sealed stainless ball bearings, and a digital braking system. But the true highlight might be its Bluetooth capability. The reel connects to an app on your phone, then uses sensors in the spool to capture casting metrics (such as number of casts made, average distance, farthest cast, and retrieve speed) which you can study later off the water.

Minn Kota Riptide Instinct trolling motor demo
Minn Kota Riptide Instinct Sam Hudson

Minn Kota Riptide Instinct

The new Minn Kota Riptide Instinct brushless trolling motor is packed with QUEST technology. Check the specs on their website for complete details, but some highlights include 30% longer runtime and 50% greater torque, a redesigned and upgraded mount to handle increased torque, carbon fiber infused shaft, a new lift-assist assembly, and real-time battery monitoring. We tried out a model with a 100-inch shaft on a center console boat — this new Instinct motor is built for offshore fishing too.

Mustad Alpha Point hooks
Mustad Alpha Point Sam Hudson

Mustad Alpha Point

Mustad’s Assault 4/0 Wide Gap hook is a next level option for weedless rigged soft plastics because of its unique hook shape and AlphaPoint 4.8 technology. AlphaPoint delivers an even sharper and slimmer hook point length than the popular UltraPoint. An elongated and shallower point section allows for deeper and faster hooksets, while Mustad’s strategic Tak-bend gives larger and thicker soft baits the ability to sit flush to the hook. Soft plastics will fully collapse and produce better hooksets.

Native Watercraft TitanX 12.5 kayak
Native Watercraft TitanX 12.5 Sam Hudson

Native Watercraft TitanX 12.5

One the most loaded kayak rigs we’ve ever seen at the ICAST show. The new TitanX 12.5 measures 12 and a half feet long and 40 inches wide. What you can customize on the boat is eye-opening. Up front, a quick release mount allows a trolling motor to easily be added or removed (not pictured in this photo). Then, in the cockpit, there’s space for two Garmin graphs on a bar accessory, and the Propel Pedal Drive. In the back, a Native Watercraft Sidekick Wheel System, YakAttack BlackPak Pro and dual Power-Pole Micro Anchors. At the stern, a Newport Vessels NK 300 Motor with foot steering. Yep, two motors on this rig.

Newport Bluetooth Lithium Battery
Newport Bluetooth Lithium Battery Sam Hudson

Newport Bluetooth Lithium Battery

Newport introduced its Bluetooth Lithium batteries. The lightweight battery features LiFePO4 cell construction and Bluetooth connectivity. With three versatile power options (24V50Ah, 36V30Ah and 36V40Ah), each battery is equipped with mobile-enabled Bluetooth monitoring. Anglers can check real-time battery status directly from their smartphone using the Newport Battery app. In addition, a built-in Battery Management System (BMS) actively monitors and regulates battery functions for optimized performance.

Old Town Sportsman BigWater ePDL + 132 kayak and motor
Old Town Sportsman BigWater ePDL + 132 Sam Hudson

Old Town Sportsman BigWater ePDL + 132

The Old Town Sportsman BigWater ePDL+ 132 stole the show, winning the best boat at ICAST. What grabbed everyone’s attention was the ePDL+ drive, similar to an assist you might see on an ebike. The saltwater-proof ePDL+ drive allows anglers to seamlessly switch between manual pedal, power-assisted pedal, or fully motorized cruise control. There are five levels of power assistance total. A cruise control option lets a kayaker take their feet off the pedals, allowing the motor to take over.

Pelagic’s Steve T Goione Shirts
Pelagic’s Steve T Goione Shirts Sam Hudson

Pelagic’s Steve T Goione Shirts

Steve Goione, a marine artist who works with fishing tournaments such as the Bermuda Triple Crown, teamed up with Pelagic to produce shirts with his incredible artwork. Goione utilizes a technique called pointillism, painting with small, distinct dots in conjunction with fish patterns to form an image. The tough task was to transfer Goione’s prints to Pelagic’s shirts, but the results were an absolute success. Pictured in the inset, Pelagic’s tri blend shirt with a sailfish.

PENN Spinfisher VII fishing reel
PENN Spinfisher VII Sam Hudson

PENN Spinfisher VII

The newest Spinfisher VII features IPX5 sealing so you don’t have to worry about saltwater getting into the gearbox or drag system. Penn’s HT-100 drag washers are also housed in a fully sealed spool. A full metal body and side plate keep the brass CNC gears in precise alignment under stress. Pictured, notice the unique line keeper that holds heavy leader material.

Plano Edge Jerkbait Box
Plano Edge Jerkbait Box Sam Hudson

Plano Edge Jerkbait Box

The Plano Edge Jerkbait box is purpose-built to hold up to 20 jerkbaits. An EZ label system and crystal-clear lid makes organization easy. And Plano’s Rustrictor technology offers 360 degree moisture protection. The days of untangling a mass of hooks and lures from your tackle tray are gone.

Rapala CrushCity soft baits
Rapala CrushCity Sam Hudson

Rapala CrushCity

Rapala introduced its first-ever line of soft baits, with design help from pro angler Jacob Wheeler. The brand is called CrushCity, and they already have five different creature baits ready to rock. The baits look pretty darn tantalizing. Rapala says to pair CrushCity softbaits with VMC hooks and Sufix fishing line. Pictured, from left to right, the Cleanup Craw, Freeloader, Mayor and Bronco Bug.

Salt Life SLX shirt
Salt Life SLX Sam Hudson

Salt Life SLX

Salt Life has so many different options when it comes to clothing, you’ll have something to wear whether you’re on the water or out to dinner. Salt Life designed its best performance fabric for a life in the sun, near the water, with their proprietary SLX UVapor fabrics. Look for that SLX label. You’ll also notice the breathability of Salt Life offerings in positions along the back or under the arms (pictured).

Savage Gear BFT Flyer lure
Savage Gear BFT Flyer Sam Hudson

Savage Gear BFT Flyer

The Savage Gear BFT Flyer is a pre-rigged flyingfish lure built to catch big-game species such as tunas. The design is based on a meticulous 3D scan of an actual flying fish. The 16-inch Flyer’s wings are easily removable by design. The lure comes pre-rigged in a harness, able to be presented for trolling or kite fishing. A line-thru design causes the lure to surge up the leader when a fish is hooked, preventing the fish from utilizing the lure’s weight as leverage during the fight.

Seaguar TactX braid and fluoro
Seaguar TactX Sam Hudson

Seaguar TactX

Seaguar TactX comes as a budget friendly braid and fluoro kit. Seaguar provides a recommended leader pound test to go along with the 4-strand braid. The braid is strong and abrasion resistant, engineered to maintain its round shape and stay firm to minimize rod tip wrapping and wind knots. Treat this braid as an all-around option for castability, abrasion resistance and overall strength.

Seviin Reels
Seviin Reels Sam Hudson

Seviin Reels

St. Croix, the well-known rod company, now makes reels. Under a new brand called Seviin reels, they introduced spinning and baitcasting models at ICAST. Yes, fresh and saltwater too, with the GX Series Seviin for freshwater and GSW for saltwater. Available in 3000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 sizes, GSW reels are sealed with fully gasketed side plates and blade seals on the spool shaft. Specs include 6 + 1 shielded stainless-steel bearing system, powerful multi-stack carbon fiber drag, stainless-steel drag components, and precision hard-brass pinion and die-cast drive gear.

Shimano Mastiff FC line
Shimano Mastiff FC Sam Hudson

Shimano Mastiff FC

Shimano won the best line category at ICAST with its Shimano Mastiff FC fluorocarbon line. In particular, Mastiff FC utilizes NANOARMOR technology. An application of nano-size ridges across the outer surface of the line helps prevent knot-slipping when fighting large fish. Plus, there’s no slippage when bass fishing with techniques like twitching, jerking or casting large lures.

Shimano Poison Ultima rod
Shimano Poison Ultima Sam Hudson

Shimano Poison Ultima

The freshwater Poison Ultima rod from Shimano has its history in the JDM market. This rod incorporates some of Shimano’s most advanced rod technologies, including Spiral X Core technology, Hi-Power X technology, and Shimano X-Guide. Casting models feature Shimano’s Full Carbon Monocoque grip — a full-carbon design that’s surprisingly sensitive. Of note, the new handle shape was developed by analyzing tournament anglers’ movements and holding posture to elevate performance.

Toadfish Casting Series Rod
Toadfish Casting Series Rod Sam Hudson

Toadfish Casting Series Rod

A Toadfish casting rod is a great inshore option. They’re lightweight and built with salt-proof hardware. Components include Kigan 3D stainless steel guides, plus Winn Grip foregrip and handle butt. Buying a Toadfish rod as part of their Put ‘Em Back movement actually helps clean coastal waters, as Toadfish supports replanting and replenishing oyster habitat efforts.

Tsunami Forged Spinning Reels
Tsunami Forged Spinning Reels Sam Hudson

Tsunami Forged Spinning Reels

A new beefy option from Tsunami. You might be aware of their Forged lever drags, but Tsunami introduced black Forged spinners in a number of sizes (4000, 6000 and 8000). Pick these spinners up, and you can feel the weighty toughness in your hands. The reels feature a stainless gear S-Drive, similar to their SaltX spinners. The 4000 model has a 6 bearing system.

TUF-LINE Fluorocarbon XD
TUF-LINE Fluorocarbon XD Sam Hudson

TUF-LINE Fluorocarbon XD

TUF-LINE Fluorocarbon XD was designed to be abrasion-resistant and virtually invisible underwater. The company says this is the leader to use when targeting skittish fish or when fishing in heavy cover, dragging baits along rocky bottom, or jigging offshore. With less stretch and slack, plus its quick sinking ability, expect a great bait presentation and solid hookset.

XTRATUF BioLite sandal
XTRATUF BioLite Sam Hudson


Check out this unique sandal from XTRATUF. It reminds me of Crocs. But these XTRATUFs are made using BioLite, a low compression high performance injection molded EVA foam that is easy to clean. Take these water shoes anywhere. They’ll drain quickly and dry out in short order. Can you handle the look of them?

YETI Yonder Water Bottle
YETI Yonder Water Bottle Sam Hudson

YETI Yonder Water Bottle

YETI released some new sizes of its lightweight and nearly indestructible Yonder Water Bottle, along with a new Tether Cap. This is a great bottle to use when you need to keep the weight down in your backpack. Yonders are made from BPA-Free 50% recycled plastic, they’re 100% leakproof and 50% lighter than Ramblers.

Z-Man Rattle Snaker soft bait
Z-Man Rattle Snaker Sam Hudson

Z-Man Rattle Snaker

Z-Man figured out a way to add rattles inside its soft baits with the Rattle Snaker. Insert the tool’s point into the bait’s tail, head or torso. Then place a rattle inside the tool’s hollow needle. Implant it with the pushrod and you’re all set. The package includes a surgical steel grade needle protected by a silicone needle guard, 10 glass rattles, and storage for rattles or tungsten weights.

Z-Man Mulletron
Z-Man Mulletron Sam Hudson

Z-Man Mulletron

Z-Man’s Mulletron is a great finger mullet imitator. The realistic head and body shape, lifelike gill plate, eye and fins are molded from ElaZtech superplastic. The bait does not come pre-rigged, so Z-Man recommends using a ZWG hook. Pick from 10 popular inshore colors. Available in 3.3- and 4-inch swimbaits sizes.

The post Here’s What Caught Our Eye at ICAST appeared first on Sport Fishing Mag.
